I'm the sort of hombre who enjoys to taste new stuff. Presently I'm manufacturing my hold photovoltaic panels. I'm managing it all by myself without the aid of my staff. I am using the internet as the only way to acheive this. I saw a really amazing site that explains how to create pv panels and wind generators. The internet site explains all the steps involved in solar panel construction.
I am not really sure about how correct the data given there iz. If some guys over here who have xp with these things can have a peak and give your feedback in the thread it would be great and I would extremely appreciate it, cause I truly like solar panel construction.
1 comment:
I'm the sort of hombre who enjoys to taste new stuff. Presently I'm manufacturing my hold photovoltaic panels. I'm managing it all by myself without the aid of my staff. I am using the internet as the only way to acheive this. I saw a really amazing site that explains how to create pv panels and wind generators. The internet site explains all the steps involved in solar panel construction.
I am not really sure about how correct the data given there iz. If some guys over here who have xp with these things can have a peak and give your feedback in the thread it would be great and I would extremely appreciate it, cause I truly like solar panel construction.
Tnx for reading this. You people are the best.
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